having sat on twelve academic appointments panels at all levels in just over a
year – the deluge is now slowing, following our most recent and particularly pleasing appointment
– I have seen lots of very talented people looking for jobs, and I have also
seen some of them needlessly and spectacularly self-destruct during the
process. Here follow a few hints on how to blow an academic job interview.
Fail to recognise the question with only one right answer. If you are asked,
for example, if your approach to teaching is basically a passive one, do not
say ‘yes’. Questions like that are not tricks: they are offered to candidates
as a way out of a hole. If you have been describing an approach to teaching
which sounds passive, that question is your chance to correct the impression. You
need to take it.
Overdo self-deprecation and modesty. A little humility is becoming and
charming. But do not give the impression that your language skills, or IT
skills, or knowledge of the wider research field, is patchy. This is
particularly unfair, since it rewards bravado and blarney, and penalises the
conscientious. It can also be gender-skewed. But it’s true. You are there to
sell yourself: don’t sell yourself short.
Pick risky referees. A good reference rarely makes much difference in an
interview. A bad reference can sink you. And of course a ‘bad reference’ is a
reference which contains one sentence expressing some reservations. If you
suspect your referee may do this, either straighten him/her out or choose
another referee.
Think small. Even with a junior post, we are looking for ambition, academic
leadership, someone who will grow up to be a giant in the field and who will
always remember this institution fondly for having given them that crucial
first step. You need concrete plans for your research, of course, but have a
big vision too. If you can convince a panel that your ideas are more exciting
and more important than the competition, you’re three-quarters of the way
Use the phrase ‘fill a gap in the scholarship’. See under ‘Think small’. We don’t
want a bricklayer, we want an architect.
Choose examples which don’t reflect the status you’re aspiring to. Often in
interview you will be asked to cite specific examples of something you’ve done
that demonstrates the qualities required for the post. Now if it’s your first
job, or first senior job, you’ve not necessarily had the chance to do that, so
you scrabble around for something else. Better to be tangential and impressive
than on-point and underwhelming. If you are asked about your experience in
academic administration, don’t talk about how you made sure all the speakers at
a conference had fresh water glasses. I know you did it, I know it’s important
and does show some skill. But again, see under ‘Think small’.
Don’t read the job description and further particulars. That way, when you are
asked something about a particular facet of this job, you will not understand
what’s being got at, you won’t have any ideas ready, and you will demonstrate
to the panel both (a) that you are short of ideas and (b) that you are not
someone who prepares carefully for an important event.
Don’t do any research on the institution or the panel. Panels like the sense
that an outsider has made an effort to find out about their institution. More
to the point, you can spot the agendas underlying certain questions. And it is
always legitimate to ask in advance who will be on the panel. If they won’t
tell you, they won’t tell you, but they won’t take offence at your having
asked. A candidate who shows a keen interest in the process in advance shows
him/herself to be an organised and capable person.
Blag something you clearly know nothing about. Yes, I know this is a core
academic skill. But the panellists themselves have all been doing it for years
and can spot the signs.
Ask too many questions. You will be given a chance to ask questions at the end,
but in practice most of your substantive questions should have been resolved by
that point. Some people use questions to try to show off (‘do you care as much
about the welfare of undergraduates as I do?’), which is harmless if done
subtly. But really, panels don’t pay much attention to questions unless (a) you
ask something manifestly stupid or (b) you have too many. No questions is fine.
One or two is fine. More than two and you begin to seem tedious.
this aside from the numerous ways to self-destruct during the formal
presentation … but that’s for another time.
UPDATE: If you found this useful, see also my notes on how to get shortlisted and how to survive the job presentation.
UPDATE: If you found this useful, see also my notes on how to get shortlisted and how to survive the job presentation.