A certaine number of Souldiers calling themselues by the
name of London Prentises came upon Munday being the 15th day of
August to the towne of Masworth in Buckinghamshire, and there demanding of the
Clerke the key of the church doore, went in to the said church and broke downe
the rayles at the upper end of the Chancill where formerly the Communion Table
stood, and beat downe all the painted glass in the windowes, and so coming
downe to the Minister’s house demaunded of him the Service booke and Surpliss, withall
threatning that if he did not deliver them to them, they would pull downe his
house over his head, but he telling them they were not in his keeping, they
returned back to the church, and finding them there, first tore the two Service
bookes all to peices, scattring some of the leaues about the streets, and
carrying the rest away vpon the pointes of their swordes, and afterwardes one
of them took the Surpliss and putt it on him, as the Minister useth to doe, and
so marcht away to Alisbury triumphing in comtempt and derision, In witness
whereof I the minister of the said Parish haue here sett my hand: Date this 16th
of August: 1642. Roger Wilford minist: ibid.
It’s countersigned by the parish clerk.
Amidst the national calamity that was starting to unfold, this was nothing. What I find compelling about this, however, is Wilford’s plaintive petition – apparently believing that this blatant lawbreaking might be punished. And why not? England, especially the South, had been at peace internally for longer than anyone alive could remember. Law had been upheld and rights respected. Yes, politics had become very shouty and embittered, but surely name-calling in Westminster is one thing, and soldiers barging into your village with impunity, smashing up the church, spiking service-books on their sword and threatening to pull your house down, is another?
In our own age, we could perhaps do with remembering that
entrenched division and demonisation of opponents can eventually have consequences.
To whom was this statement sent? And is the original in the Huntington Library?